Friday, October 13, 2006

Blacksmith - Whitesmith - Noghaltz Quest Skill

Blacksmith - Whitesmith
Unfairly Trick
*Character must be Job Lv30 and above, or Master Smith to learn this skill.
1. Talk to NPC Aki (geffen 178 72).
2. Prepare Steel*1, Coal*5, Iron Hammer*1 and Dextrimindexta*1 and 500 zeny , as requested by the NPC.
3. Prepare Steel*1 and Coal*3 for the 2nd attempt.
4. Prepare Iron Hammer*1 for the 3rd attempt.
5. "Unfairly Trick" learned!

*Character's current weight and max weight's difference must be lesser than 500 to learn this skill.
1. Talk to NPC Goodday (geffen 172 52) in front of the Blacksmith Guild.
2. Fulfill the task assigned and go back find Gooday.
3. ¡§Greed¡¨ learned!

%eRO property

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