Monday, September 25, 2006

You already use Bots. Be contented with it.

Ragnarok Online in the Philippines is a big success. With over 10,000 players on 1 server on its first launch, its no wonder the competition is stiff, and several players want to gain an “edge” to other players. This is where Bots come into picture. Bots are automated programs designed specifically for one purpose: to let you gain extra levels- even while sleeping. It became an epidemic and uncontrollable that Levelup!games, the company who hosts the game actually gave up in eradicating it. It’s no problem to players since almost all uses it anyway.

Bots alone is a form of cheating. But as I’ve said, it already became some sort of necessity in order to survive in the game. But some people wanted more. In my site alone, keywords like “Zenny Duplicators” and “Item generators” are common. To make things everything clear and shut the idiotic dreamers who think such programs exists, NO, IT DOES NOT EXIST! And to make to shut your sorry asses more, here’s a piece of question: You are bot. Now you actually want for forge/fake money? Isn’t pathetic? It kills the game you know

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